Exhibition Area: The exhibition area is situated in Grand Hall 1 on level -2 at the SQUARE-BRUSSELS CONVENTION CENTRE.
Exhibition Set-Up Times:
   21/11/22: 08:00 – 20:00
   22/11/22: 08:00 – 20:00 (Deliveries dispatching on standby 14:00)
Exhibition Opening Times:
   23/11/22: 08:30 – 18:00 (access to exhibitors from 07:30 on)
   24/11/22: 08:30 – 18:00 (access to exhibitors from 07:30 on)
   25/11/22: 08:30 – 17:00 (access to exhibitors from 07:30 on)
Exhibition Dismantling Time:
   25/11/22: 17:00 - 00:00
   Exhibitors are obliged to observe all time limits regarding set-up and dismantling hours

Important Remark:

Exhibitors are obliged to observe all time limits regarding set-up and dismantling hours.

Deadline for order submission on the website: 07/11/2022
(after this deadline, prices will automatically rise by 20% and items availability will less guaranteed)

Venue Guidelines: click here to download

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